Accommodation regulations

Accommodation regulations

  1. Hotel Chateau Valeč (further „provider“) reserves the right only to accomodate the guest who properly checked in. The guest will show his/her ID card, passport or other identity document to the staff at the reception immediately after the arrival, according to the act no. 565/1990 Sb. about local fees. 
  2. Every guest who is not the citizen of the Czech Republic (foreigner) is obliged to fill in the stay report form according to the act no. 326/1999 Sb. concerning the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The guest is obliged to indicate all the required data truthfully. 
  3. On the day of arrival the guest can check in from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. based on the application which was confirmed by the provider. The provider reserves the room for the guest until this time, unless there was a different request confirmed by the provider.
  4. The guest who needs check in before 6 a.m. or insists on check-in before 10 a.m. is obliged to pay full price for the previous night unless there was any other prior arrangement between the guest and the provider. Check-in between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. is possible for the additional charge of 1000 CZK/room, if the hotel capacity allows it.
  5. The guest will deregister the stay until 10 a.m. The room must be free before 10 a.m. unless there was another prior agreement with the provider. Based on an agreement with the reception it is possible to extend the stay till 3 p.m. for 1500 CZK/double room (750 CZK/person), if the capacity and run of the hotel allows it. After 3 p.m. full price for the following night will be charged. The room is considered to be free after the guest takes all his/her items out of the room, returns the card to the reception staff and announces the deregistration.
  6. The provider reserves the right to check the room equipment (furniture, appliances, forgotten items), payments and consumption of the guest. Left items can be stored for at most one month. Hotel capacity does not allow to store them longer. Provider is not obliged to inform guest about forgotten things.
  7. The guest is obliged to leave the hotel bathrobes in the room upon departure, if he leaves them in the wellness centre it is necessary to report it to the reception. Otherwise, he may be charged for the missing bathrobe.
  8. If the guest asks for extention of the stay, the provider can offer him/her a different room for a different price from the original one. In this case the guest cannot claim to stay either in the original room or in any other one, if the hotel capacity does not allow it.
  9. The provider reserves the right in exceptional case to offer the guest a different room than originally agreed if it is not significantly different from the room confirmed in application.
  10. Before departure the guest has to close the water taps, switch off the light, close the window, lock the door and hand the room card over to the reception during deregistration.
  11. The provider can charge 100 CZK/pc for a lost or damaged room card.
  12. The provider provides service in the range according to the prior agreement. The guest is obliged to pay for the stay and service according to the valid provider´s pricelist at latest on the last day of the stay. Pricelist of accomodation and other services is available at the hotel reception.
  13. The guest is obliged to adapt his/her stay in the Hotel Valeč Castle and all its parts to his/her present health conditions and his/her physical/mental abilities.

Payment for the accomodation and cancellation fee:

  1. The guest is obliged to pay for accomodation and provided services according to the valid pricelist at latest on the last day of the stay based on the bill and the deposit from the guest.
  2. The provider reserves the right to demand a deposit of 50 – 100 % of the accomodation price immediately after booking. The booking becomes obligatory for the provider after the deposit payment reaches the provider´s account, unless there was a different agreement.
  3. If the guest shortens the stay or makes any other change, the provider has the right to charge full price (100%) of the agreed price for the complete stay.
  4. 17. The provider has the right to charge cancellation fee and use the deposit for this purpose in the case the guest will cancel his/her reservation in written, electronicaly or on the phone under the following conditions:
    30-7 days before planned arrival 50% of the room price per person for complete stay
    6-0 days before planned arrival 100% of the room price per person for complete stay
  5. 18. If the guest does not arrive, cancellation fee 100% of the price of the stay will be charged.

Property damage:

  1. The provider is responsible for damage at things brought in or laid aside by the guest in accomodation part of the hotel according to general obligatory regulations of the civil code no. 89/2012 Sb. within the meaning of the article, especially § 2945 and following, and this list of accomodation rules.
  2. The provider installed safes in the rooms and recommends to put valueables in them. Putting things into a room safe is not considered as giving them to the provider for safekeeping. If necessary, a safe at the hotel reception can be used.
  3. If provider´s property was partly or completely damaged, the provider has the right to compensation. The guest is responsible for his/her damage on hotel equipment. The guest is also liable for damages caused by underage person, for whom the guest is responsible. Also the guest is liable for damage caused by persons or animals that occur in the hotel and their stay was enabled by the guest.
  4. In the case of provider´s property damage caused by the guest, the guest is obliged to pay the compensation.
  5. The provider is not responsible for thefts or damage of things left at provider´s parking place in vehicles. The provider recommends to ensure the car has been properly locked and secured. The provider also recommends not to leave personal or valuable things placed in the car. The provider is not responsible for damage that the guest caused to other individuals. The provider reserves the right to ask for compensation of damage that was caused by guest´s vehicle unless the damage compensation is paid from third part insurance. The provider has the right to call the Czech Police in to the incident.
  6. The provider is responsible for bicycles placed in the room named „bicycle hall“ (after it was agreed with the reception). If the guest leaves the bicycle in the car or at any other place which was not intended for this purpose, the provider does not bear responsibility for potential theft.
  7. Laundering: The provider reserves the right to refuse to treat excessively dirty or damaged clothes. The laundry does not bear responsibility for eroded colour (ecologic colours), buttons or clips damaged during the washing process. Financial compensation level can reach at most a quintuple of the cost of clothes treatment.
  8. The guest should behave to prevent any harm to anybody, any property or environment. The provider recommends to check the motivations for entrance of strange individuals into his/her room before letting them in. If there is any doubt, immediately contact the reception.
  9. The provider does not bear responsibility for any damage outside the area of Hotel Valeč Castle.

Catering and sale of alcoholic drinks:

  1. Inside the hotel guests are not allowed to consume alcoholic drinks that were not bought in the hotel. Guests under 18 are not allowed to consume alcoholic drinks inside the hotel.
  2. Guests are not allowed to bring in and consume any food from outside the hotel. This regulation does not concern the rooms which are equipped with kitchens enabling to prepare guest´s own food.
  3. The guest is obliged to announce any serious health/food limitations to the reception or restaurant manager.
  4. The hotel staff has the right to refuse to serve alcoholic drinks to persons under 18 or persons who are apparently under the influence of alcohol.
  5. The provider serves breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the hotel restaurant at proper times according to the operation schedule. The guest is not allowed to carry food, which was served for daily meals, out of the restaurant.
  6. Minibars installed in all hotel rooms can be used as the guest wishes. The prices and services are listed in the minibar pricelist. Minibars are refilled daily by the room service. The room service announces each consumed/refilled item at the hotel reception.
  7. The guest has to submit the minibar check list to the reception at his/her departure. (Even if nothing was consumed from the minibar.) Otherwise the guest´s bill cannot be settled. The guest confirms the consumed amount with his/her signature on the check list. The provider is not obliged to check the number of items in the minibar when the guest finishes the stay.
  8. If there are any discrepancies concerning the consumption from minibar, the guest will be charged with the debt amount. There will be no regard to later complaints concerning the consumed items.
  9. Roomservice is charged with 500 CZK/delivery + price of the ordered item. Roomservice can be used by guests who have opened a hotel bill. Every consumpion is added to the guest´s bill and must be signed by the guest. Cash payments for the roomservice are possible only in the restaurant or reception during their opening times.


  1. 37. Dogs and other pets may only occur in special rooms of the hotel. Accomodation prices for pets are listed in the valid pricelist. The following regulations regard the stay of dogs and other pets:
    a. a. Dogs (except assistent dogs) and other pets are not allowed to enter/stay in rooms used for storing and preparing food or rooms where food and drinks are served. Dogs are allowed to stay on the outer terrace towards the chateau.

    b. Dogs and other pets are not allowed to enter any parts of the wellness centre, fitness centre or children´s playroom.
    c. c. Every dog must be on the leash and must be muzzled in all public areas.
    d.Dogs and other pets must not occur on beds or other furniture serving for guest´s relaxation.
    e.Dishes specified for preparing and serving food to guests must not be used to feed dogs and other pets.
    f. f. The owner of the pet (or the guest who enabled the stay to the animal) is liable for damages caused by the pet. The guest is obliged to pay for potential damage. The provider reserves the right to charge
    the guest for additional cleaning of rooms or bed clothes polluted by the pet.
    g.Checking the room and cleaning and repair service in rooms, where a pet is kept, must be enabled without endangering the staff or other guests. Room inspection must be enabled at least once a day to ascertain potential damage or excessive pollution. The staff can refuse to clean the room/make a repair if they feel to be endangered by a dog or other animal in the room.

Further regulations:

  1. The provider recommends not to leave children under 12 alone in the room or in collective rooms without adult supervision. A baby bed for children under 3 can be put to the room on guest´s request. Price 500 CZK/stay.
  2. The guest is obliged to comply with the night peace hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Social events (parties) can be held in special rooms after 10 p.m. with prior agreement with the manager (deputy).
  3. The provider reserves the right to reduce supplementary services like billiards, bowling, segway, tennis and the like in the case of excessive demand.
  4. Guest´s visitors can be seen either at the hotel reception or in other collective hotel rooms. Visitors can enter the guest´s room only after agreement with responsible member of hotel staff/hotel manager from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hotel employees are not allowed to provide any information about the guests to other individuals (except police officers who showed their ID card and proved legitimacy of their request). Hotel employees are also not allowed to permit a visit to the guest without the guest´s permission.
  5. The guest is not allowed to move/modify any interior equipment, make any intervention to electric network or any other installations without permission of responsible member of hotel staff/hotel manager.
  6. The guest is not allowed to bring any large items into the room (i.e. sport equipment, bicycles, handcarts etc.). The reception staff will provide information where to keep these items.
  7. The guests are not allowed to use their own electric appliances. This does not refer to personal hygiene appliances (electric razors, massage machines, hairdryers etc.).
  8. It is not allowed to enter the outdoor pool and whirlpool off the opening hours. The provider has the right to charge the guest with a fine of 20 000 CZK for each proved contravention of this regulation.
  9. Smoking is allowed in designated outdoor areas with ashtrays only. Smoking tobacco cigarettes/electronic cigarettes in hotel rooms is strictly prohibited. The provider has the right to charge the guest with a fine of 2 000 CZK for each proved contravention of this regulation.
  10. The guests are not allowed to carry neither weapons nor ammunition or to store them in a state allowing their immediate use.
  11. It is strictly prohibited to use any narcotic or psychotropic substances in all area of Hotel Chateau Valeč. The provider has the right to inform the Police and immediately cancel the guest´s accomodation without compensation if the ban was violated.
  12. The guests are not allowed to annoy other guests or hotel staff, be vulgar or aggressive and must not offend anyone. If the guest does not follow these rules, the provider has the right to withdraw from providing accomodation services and withdraw from accomodation contract before agreed term. In this case the provider has the right to charge the full price for the stay. Then the guest must leave the hotel immediately.
  13. It is strictly prohibited to use the wellness center (pool, sauna) under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances. In the sauna part of wellness is strictly prohibited to use mobile phones and cameras.
  14. Complaints and suggestions for potential improvements are directed at hotel managers. The questionnaire is available in hotel rooms.
  15. The hotel space is monitored with CCTV cameras.
  16. The guests´ accomodation complies with the legal code and these accomodation rules. After check-in the guest accepts the accomodation rules as terms and conditions of accomodation and is obliged to follow all their regulations. The guest is obliged to read the accomodation rules, their ignorance will not be taken into account. If the guest does not follow the accomodation rules, the provider has the right to withdraw from providing accomodation services and withdraw from accomodation contract before agreed term. In this case the provider has the right to charge the full price for the stay. Then the guest must leave the hotel immediately.
  17. The guest who provided his/her personal data to the provider from his/her personal documents at the moment of starting the accomodation service agreees with processing and storing his/her personal data in the hotel according to the act no. 101/2000 Sb.
  18. The provider provides following information:
    a. Provider: Hotel Zámek Valeč s.r.o., Valeč 217, 673 53, IČ: 21259631, file number C 399117 kept at the Municipal Court in Prague.
    b.Object of business: see available abstract from Business Register.
    c. Service specification: the provider arranges accomodation and service concerning accomodation for guests based on conditions stated in booking confirmation.
    d. d. Relationship between the guest and the provider is guided by legal regulations of the Czech Republic.
    e.Language for negotiations between the guest and the provider based on confirmed booking: Czech language.
    f. The Accomodation Rules are valid and effective from 1st June 2013, updated rules are valid and effective from 1st August 2024.